

How do I start…I am stunned!! 50…like…50 followers!!!

My reaction!! LOL

Thank you so much y’all. I am so grateful for your love, support and feedbacks that helped me and my blog grow and hit 50 followers and 1K views!!

1K all-time views!!!

I couldn’t think of more than a big fat huge mega gigantic Thank You!!!

50 followers and 1K views…Thank you so so much…It means a lot to me. Hope you keep on enjoying reading my blogs and I can help you #DiscoverYou.

I hope your journey as a Discoverer continues forever and with my blogs I can help you improve every day!!

Thank you once again!! XOXO


By Priyamvada Tyagi

Heyooo! Priyamvada here. I'm 15 aandddd guess what? I write. So, enjoyyeee!!

28 replies on “50 Followers!!!”

umm nope it’s a way of wishing…Here in this reference, it means, here is to more followers!!

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Congratulations Priyamvada 😊
Ik how good it feels after crossing your first 50 followers. When I started, I never thought that someone would be interested in knowing what I’ve to say! But it turned out to be completely opposite. Trust me, people here at WP are so supportive. I love this thing about them a lot. ❤
Also, there will be many more achievements to come & I know you deserve a lot lot lot more! ❤
Sending you my best wishes to you. Keep writing!


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Thank you so much Jahnvi!! Ikr…I was literally jumping on the bed for 10 mins after crossing 50!!
Me neither…It’s great to see that so many people are enjoying my blogs and true that!! All the bloggers in the blogosphere are so sweet and supportive! It’s so great to have such supporting audience like you.
Aww…This comment really made my day!!
Thanks a lot!!😊
Best wishes to you!!

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